Mind, Body, Spirit
Taking Charge: Your Life Patterns and Their Meaning
Gudrun BurkhardShows how through working consciously and actively on our own life-story, we can build bridges to other people in a way that develops a new understanding ... Read more
When Death Enters Life
John BaumExperiences, observations and practical advice enabling those encountering death to meet it in an active manner, both mentally and physically.... Read more
The Calendar of the Soul: A Commentary
Karl König; Edited by Richard Steel; Translated by Simon Blaxland de LangeKönig's meditations on the 52 weekly verses of Rudolf Steiner's Calendar of the Soul.... Read more
Out of print
- Acts of the Heart: Culture-Building, Soul-Researching Robert Sardello
- Al-Kemi: Hermetic, Occult, Political and Private Aspects of R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz André VandenBroeck
- Alive in God's World: Human Life on Earth and in Heaven as Described in the Visions of Joa Bolendas Joa Bolendas; Foreword by Therese Schroeder-Sheker
- Atlantis: Lost Kingdom of the Andes Jim Allen
- Being Consciousness Bliss: A Seeker's Guide Astrid Fitzgerald
- The Bible's Hidden Cosmology Gordon Strachan
- Camino Walk: Where Inner and Outer Paths Meet Marie-Laure Valandro
- Christ and the Maya Calendar: 2012 and the Coming of the Antichrist Robert Powell and Kevin Dann
- Colour: A Textbook for Anthroposophical Painting Groups Liane Collot D'Herbois
- Conversation: A New Theory of Language Carl H. Flygt; Foreword by Madison Smartt Bell
- Deliverance of the Spellbound God: An Experiential Journey into Eastern and Western Meditation Practices Marie-Laure Valandro
- Dreamlife: How Dreams Happen Rufus Goodwin
- The Ecstasies of St Francis: The Way of Lady Poverty John R. Haule
- Elijah Come Again: A Prophet for Our Time: A Scientific Approach to Reincarnation Robert Powell
- The Esoteric Meaning in Raphael's Paintings: The Philosophy of Composition in The Disputa, The School of Athens, The Transfiguration Giorgio I. Spadaro
- Footprints of an Angel: Episodes from a Joint Autobiography Siegfried E. Finser
- From Round Table to Grail Castle: Twelve Studies in Arthurian and Grail Literature in the Light of Anthroposophy Isabel Wyatt; Introduction by Joan Rudel
- From Yoga to the Rose Cross Massimo Scaligero; Translated by Eric L. Bisbocci
- Gaia's Quantum Leap: A Guide to Living through the Coming Earth Changes Marko Pogacnik; Translated by Tony Mitton
- Gawain and the Grail Quest: Healing the Waste Land in our Time Jeffrey John Dixon
- Give Us This Day: The Story of Prayer Rufus Goodwin
- Honeymoon of Mourning Maarten Ploeger; Translated by Matthew Dexter
- How Wide the Heart: The Roots of Peace in Palestine and Israel Marko Pogacnik and Ana Pogačnik
- The Human Soul Karl König
- Jesus the Master Builder: Druid Mysteries and the Dawn of Christianity Gordon Strachan
- Kabbalah of Prayer: Sacred Sounds and the Soul's Journey Shulamit Elson
- The Light (La Luce): An Introduction to Creative Imagination Massimo Scaligero
- The Logos and the New Mysteries Massimo Scaligero; Translated by Eric L. Bisbocci
- Love and the World: A Guide to Conscious Soul Practice Robert Sardello
- Love is Stronger than Death: The Mystical Union of Two Souls Cynthia Bourgeault
- Megalithic Measures and Rhythms: Sacred Knowledge of the Ancient Britons Anne Macaulay; Edited by Vivian T. Linacre and Richard A. Batchelor
- The Mystery, Biography and Destiny of Mary Magdalene: Sister of Lazarus John and Spiritual Sister of Jesus Robert Powell
- Nature Spirits and What They Say: Interviews with Verena Stael von Holstein Edited by Wolfgang Weirauch
- Nature Spirits of the Trees: Interviews with Verena Stael von Holstein Edited by Wolfgang Weirauch; Translated by Matthew Barton
- Nicaea: A Book of Correspondences Martin Rowe
- Number and Geometry in Shakespeare's Macbeth: The Flower and the Serpent Sylvia Eckersley
- A Path of Encounter: Meditation, Practice, and the Art of Sensing Jon McAlice
- Patterns of Eternity: Sacred Geometry and the Starcut Diagram Malcolm Stewart
- Prophecy, Phenomena, Hope: The Real Meaning of 2012: Christ and the Maya Calendar: An Update Robert Powell
- Prophets of Nature: Green Spirituality in Romantic Poetry and Painting Gordon Strachan
- The Return of Merlin: Star Lore and the Patterns of History Gordon Strachan
- The Secrets of Space and Time Massimo Scaligero; Translated by Eric L. Bisbocci
- Sir George Trevelyan: And the New Spiritual Awakening Frances Farrer
- Six Pillars: Introductions to the Works of Sri Aurobindo Edited by Robert McDermott
- So That You May Be One Joa Bolendas
- The Soul of Russia: Magical Traditions in an Enchanted Landscape Cherry Gilchrist
- Sources of the Grail Edited by John Matthews
- Speech of the Grail: A Journey Towards Speaking that Heals and Transforms Linda Sussman
- Spirit Healing Bob Woodward; Foreword by Hugh Gayer
- Spiritual Turning Points of North American History Luigi Morelli
- Spiritual Turning Points of South American History Luigi Morelli
- Stages of Consciousness: Meditations on the Boundaries of the Soul Georg Kühlewind
- Strange Life of Ivan Osokin: A Novel P. D. Ouspensky
- Talking with Angel: About Illness, Death and Survival Evelyn Elsaesser-Valarino; Foreword by Kenneth Ring; Translated by Mary Payne
- Time Stands Still: New Light on Megalithic Science Keith Critchlow; Photography by Rod Bull
- Traveling Light: Walking the Cancer Path William Ward
- Turned Upside Down: A Workbook on Earth Changes and Personal Transformation Marko Pogacnik; Translated by Tony Mitton
- Turning: Words Heard from Within Claire Blatchford
- Venice: Discovering a Hidden Pathway Marko Pogacnik; Photography by Bojan Brecelj
- The Venus Eclipse of the Sun: A Rare Celestial Event David Tresemer
- Via Podiensis, Path of Power: A Walk from le Puy, France, to San Juan de la Peña, Spain Marie-Laure Valandro
- Vladimir Soloviev: Russian Mystic Paul M. Allen
- A Way of Seeing: Perception, Imagination and Poetry John Allison
- When a Stone Begins to Roll: Notes of an Adventurer, Diplomat & Mystic: Extracts from Episodes in a Life of Adventure Laurence Oliphant; Edited by T.H. Meyer
- Who Killed the Holy Ghost?: A Journalist Reports on the Holy Spirit Rufus Goodwin
- Why Jesus Didn't Marry Mary Magdalene: A Short History of Esoteric Christianity John van Schaik; Translated by George Hall
- Wielding Power: The Essence of Ritual Practice Charles R. Tetworth