An Inner Journey Through the Year

Soul Images and The Calendar of the Soul

Karl König; Edited by Richard Steel; Translated by Simon Blaxland de Lange

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This volume is Out of Print but a combined edition of Calendar of the Soul (KKA7), and An Inner Journey Through the Year (KKA6) is available. Click on the cover in the carousel below.

52 colour sketches by König inspired by the weekly Calendar of the Soul verses.

216 x 138 mm
Floris Books
Karl König Archive; Mind, Body, Spirit
56 colour illustrations
160 pages
Publication date:
25 Nov 2010
Karl König Archive


Karl König meditated intensely on the 52 weekly verses of Rudolf Steiner's Calendar of the Soul. During his time in internment on the Isle of Man, he made these 52 naïve, artistic sketches to accompany each verse. This is a wonderful way to experience an important spiritual tool.

There is also a separate book by Karl König, The Calendar of the Soul, which is a complementary text commentary on Steiner's Calendar.


Karl König (1902-66) was well-known as a physician, author and lecturer. He began his work at the Institute of Embryology at the University of Vienna. In 1940 he founded the Camphill Movement in Scotland. Based on Rudolf Steiner's insights into human development, the special education schools for children and villages for adults with special needs are now established in many parts of the world.

Richard Steel, born 1952 in Oxford, England, completed the Camphill seminar for Curative Education at Föhrenbühl at Bodensee (Lake Constance), Germany, in 1975. He lived and worked there with his family in one of the households for children with special needs. Since 2008, he has shared responsibility for Karl König's estate and runs the Karl König Archive in Berlin.


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