The Complete Old Testament Studies

Rudolf Frieling

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  • An illuminating and perceptive examination of the stories of the Old Testament, clarifying the meaning of difficult passages for today’s readers
  • Reveals the rich imagery of the Old Testament accounts and songs, highlighting their ongoing relevance and value
  • Written by a highly revered and respected author in this field

A clear and insightful analysis of the meaning of the Old Testament stories from one of the founders of The Christian Community. Sheds light on challenging elements for modern readers while sharing the wisdom of these texts from a new perspective.

234 x 156 mm
Floris Books
Religion & Spirituality
464 pages
Publication date:
23 Jun 2022


The Old Testament is full of many remarkable stories that pose a challenge to our modern understanding. In this collection of essays, Rudolf Frieling demonstrates his unique gift for delving deeper into the meaning of the Old Testament stories, presenting them from a fresh perspective that makes them more comprehensible to today's readers. In this insightful book Frieling:

-- Explores the accounts of the creation of the human being in Genesis.
-- Demonstrates the ongoing power of the Psalms.
-- Shows how the events of the Old Testament are a preparation for the coming of Christ.

Frieling's commanding grasp of the original Hebrew and close attention to detail brings to life the rich imagery of these accounts and songs, making this a unique guide to the wisdom of the Old Testament.


'A fundamental aspect of Frieling’s approach shines out the moment one starts reading: his wide, deep and detailed knowledge of Hebrew, of the Bible and of other ancient literature. His unique ability to elucidate the meaning of words as they were used at the time of their writing and to place them into the context of what precedes and what follows them brings the text to life and makes stimulating reading… Frieling’s comprehensive grasp of his subject allows him to show convincingly, in a most lively and inspiring manner, how stories and events in the Old Testament again and again transpire as precursors of what is developed further or which reaches its fulfilment in the New Testament; his recounting of the story of the sacrifice of Isaac, or even the story of Creation, seen in this light, are positively gripping… Investigated in this warm, sympathetic, but also precise way, the Old Testament no longer appears as a relic from a bygone age, but much more as an essential aid to grasping the place and role of Christianity in the world… An enlivening and thought-provoking read.'
-- Perspectives


Rudolf Frieling (1901-86) was one of the founders of The Christian Community. Before becoming the leader of this movement for religious renewal in 1957, his work took him throughout Germany as well as to Vienna, Austria and New York. He was a prolific author of books on Christian thinking and his writings on the Old and New Testaments.

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