Children with a Difference

The Background of Steiner Special Education

Walter Holtzapfel; Translated by John and Marguerite Wood

Out of print

Quick Look

A concise but comprehensive overview of special needs education, divided into different types of disorders and needs.

210 x 148 mm
Lanthorn Press
Special Needs Education; Steiner-Waldorf Education
10 b/w line illustrations
144 pages
Publication date:
01 Jan 1995


Based on Rudolf Steiner's course of lectures on curative education, this concise but comprehensive book addresses all types and aspects of special needs education, deepening and elaborating on Steiner's original ideas.

Dr Walter Holtzapfel gives valuable insight into the physiological background of psychology disorders, and offer many suggestions to educators to find new ways of providing help to children and their families.

Table of Contents

1. The Background of Curative Education
2. Understanding the Human Being through Spiritual Science
3. A Pedagogical Principle
4. Autistic Children
5. The Basic Phenomenon of Infantile Autism
6. Autism and the Real World
7. A World Devoid of People, Autism as a Phenomenon of our Time
8. Down's Syndrome Children
9. Metabolism and Consciousness; Phenylketonuria
10. Fixed Ideas and Forgetfulness; the Role of Iron and Sulphur
11. Feeble-minded Children
12. Maniacal Children
13. The Threefold Polarity of Children's Abnormal Development
14. Devotion to Detail
15. Teeth and Inner Development
16. Enthusiasm in the Experience of Truth


Walter Holtzapfel (1912-1994) was an expert in the field of special needs education. He worked as a medical consultant in Waldorf schools and lectured in training colleges for special education in Germany and Switzerland. He is the author of numerous books and articles. For some years, he was leader of the Medical Section at the Goetheanum in Dornach.


Also by Walter Holtzapfel:
The Human Organs (about the connection between key organs and psychological disorders).

More on children with special needs:
The Children of the Curative Education Course
Holistic Special Education
Children with Special Needs

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