The Human Soul

Mysteries and Complexities of the Psyche

Karl König

Not yet published - due 26 Aug 2025

Quick Look

  • An insightful examination of the different traits of the human soul
  • Explores a variety of human experiences such as anger, pain, anxiety and shame
  • This updated edition includes previously unpublished lectures by Karl Konig on psychology and the human soul
  • Volume 24 in the Karl Konig Archive

A new edition of the classic study of the characteristics of the human soul, which outlines four distinct stages of consciousness. This compelling exploration into the psyche includes never-before published lectures. Part of the Karl Konig Archive.

Floris Books
Mind, Body, Spirit
224 pages
Publication date:
26 Aug 2025
Karl König Archive
3rd edition


In this fascinating work, Karl Konig offers a detailed study of the human soul's different characteristics. He looks at a range of human experiences, including pain, anxiety, fear, shame and anger, and he distinguishes four stages of consciousness: normal day-consciousness, dreaming, sleeping and deep sleep.

Although much has changed in the field of psychology since The Human Soul was written in the middle of the twentieth century, this book nevertheless remains a meaningful exploration into the mysteries and complexities of the human psyche.

This new Karl Konig Archive edition of the classic text has been updated with never-before published lectures by Konig on psychology and the human soul, including notes from the two talks that originally inspired this book.


Karl Konig (1902-66) was well-known as a physician, author and lecturer. He began his work at the Institute of Embryology at the University of Vienna. In 1940 he founded the Camphill Movement, in Scotland, based on the educational ideas of Rudolf Steiner.

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