Music Therapy

Research and Insights

Karl König; Edited by Katarina Seeherr


Quick Look

  • A discussion of anthroposophic music therapy, including the nature of musical experience and the role of music in Camphill
  • Includes an extensive collection of König's writings, many of which have never been published before
  • Music therapist Katarina Seeherr's introduction explores the development of König's ideas over time and how he inspired future musicians and therapists
  • Volume 23 in the Karl König Archive

A thought-provoking collection of essays, lectures and notes on music therapy by Karl König exploring studies on hearing, the nature of musical experience and the role of music in Camphill. Karl König Archive, Vol 23.

Floris Books
Karl König Archive
288 pages
Publication date:
04 Jun 2024
Karl König Archive


Music therapy helps to support individuals' mental and emotional lives through musical exercises. Drawing on the work of Rudolf Steiner, Karl König, a pioneer of various forms of therapy within the Camphill movement, developed the basics of an anthroposophical music therapy, focusing on how the fundamentals of music connect to human beings.

This fascinating book brings together König's lectures, articles and notes on music therapy, most of which have never before been published. In them he explores areas such as hearing, the nature of musical experience, the role of music in Camphill and music therapy for those with hearing loss.

Alongside the original writings, an in-depth introduction by music therapist Katarina Seeherr explores the evolution of König's ideas relating to music and music therapy, and how he inspired many musicians and therapists to develop this form of treatment.

Table of Contents

Introduction: Karl König as Musician, Researcher and Therapist by Katarina Seeherr 7

Lectures and Articles

The Word, Singing and Speaking as Revelation of the Soul 39
Musical Instruments 53
Music in Curative Education 69
On Seeing and Hearing 73
The Four Stages of Hearing 78
Music Therapy in Curative Education 105
The Lyre 121


Music Therapy for Deaf and Hearing-Impaired Children 127
Deafness in Children: The Ability to Hear and Tumour Formation 134

Therapeutic Endeavours

Music Therapy Conferences 161
A Music Conference in Camphill by Margarethe Reuschle 177
Therapy with Music and Coloured Shadows 179


Correspondence Between Hildebrand Richard Teirich
and Karl König by Katarina Seeherr 189
Correspondence Between Hermann Pfrogner and
Karl König by Katarina Seeherr 197


On the Ear and Hearing (2 Lectures) 225
A Study on Hearing 229
About the Kidney and the Ear 233
Movement of the Limbs and Cancer Prophylaxis 237
Music and Musical Experience (3 Lectures) 240
Movement and Hearing 254
Notes 259
Bibliography 272
Index 277


Karl König (1902-66) was well-known as a physician, author and lecturer. He began his work at the Institute of Embryology at the University of Vienna. In 1940 he founded the Camphill Movement in Scotland. Based on Rudolf Steiner's insights into human development, the special education schools for children and villages for adults with special needs are now established in many parts of the world.

Katarina Seeherr trained in special education at Camphill in Aberdeen, Scotland, and singing therapy with Arnold Dorhout-Mees and she has a master's degree in music therapy. She helped to establish a new Camphill Community in Estonia and has taught music therapy internationally. She currently works as an anthroposophic music therapist in Berlin, Germany.

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