Steiner-Waldorf Education

Educating Traumatized Children: Waldorf Education in Crisis Intervention

Educating Traumatized Children: Waldorf Education in Crisis Intervention

Bernd Ruf; Peter Selg; Translated by Margot Saar
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Reveals the work of international relief organisation Friends of Waldorf Education with children in ... Read more

Education -- Health for Life: Education and Medicine Working Together for Healthy Development

Education -- Health for Life: Education and Medicine Working Together for Healthy Development

Michaela Glöckler, Stefan Langhammer and Christof Wiechert
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A revised collection of twenty articles from the 2006 Kolisko co... Read more

Entry Points: A Guide to Rudolf Steiner's Study of Man

Entry Points: A Guide to Rudolf Steiner's Study of Man

Edited by Elan Leibner, Betty Staley and David Weber
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A useful and insightful study guide to the series of lectures that Rudolf Steiner gave to the teachers at the firs... Read more

An inspiring book for teachers about working with clay with their students, full of wonderful ideas and g... Read more

First Steps in Proven Geometry for the Upper Elementary Grades

First Steps in Proven Geometry for the Upper Elementary Grades

Ernst Schuberth; Translated by Nina Kuettel
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A resource for teaching geometry in Class 6 in the Steiner-Waldorf curriculum, focusing on triangles and platonic s... Read more

From Mechanism to Organism: Enlivening the Study of Human Biology

From Mechanism to Organism: Enlivening the Study of Human Biology

Michael Holdrege
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An illuminating and helpful resource for Steiner-Waldorf teachers of human biology in the Upper school, filled with useful ways to make the... Read more

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