WECAN (Waldorf Early Childhood Association of North America)

Gnomes and Giants, Pixies and Elves: Hand Gesture and Movement Games for Young Children

Gnomes and Giants, Pixies and Elves: Hand Gesture and Movement Games for Young Children

Wilma Ellersiek; Translated by Kundry Willwerth
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A collection of hand gesture and movement games focused around gnomes and pixies, to h... Read more

A treasury of verses, finger games, stories, and plays for puppets and marionett... Read more

A treasury of songs, stories, verses and games for use with young children, especially as part of a eurythmy lesson.... Read more

Nokken: A Garden for Children: A Danish Approach to Waldorf-based Child Care

Nokken: A Garden for Children: A Danish Approach to Waldorf-based Child Care

Helle Heckmann
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Helle Heckmann describes a delightful Danish Waldorf childcare facility for children ages 1-7.... Read more

Play with Us!: Social Games for Young Children

Play with Us!: Social Games for Young Children

Freya Jaffke; Translated by Nina Kuettel
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A concise but rich collection of games for indoors and outdoors which will be invaluable to any early-years educator.... Read more

Please, Can We Play Games?: Joyful Interactions with Young Children

Please, Can We Play Games?: Joyful Interactions with Young Children

Ruth Ker
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A wonderful collection of traditional and original verses, songs and games to nourish children's body, soul and spirit.... Read more

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