Steiner-Waldorf Education

Topics in Mathematics for the Twelfth Grade: Based on Teaching Practices in Waldorf Schools

Topics in Mathematics for the Twelfth Grade: Based on Teaching Practices in Waldorf Schools

Edited by Robert Neumann
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This book covers all the maths lesson blocks taught in Class 12 (ages 17--18) in Waldorf schools, includi... Read more

Toward a Kinder, More Compassionate Society: Working Together Toward Change

Toward a Kinder, More Compassionate Society: Working Together Toward Change

Edited by Susan Howard
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A collection of writings from a wealth of diverse voices aimed at advancing knowledge of diversity, empathy and inclusion i... Read more

Towards Creative Teaching: Notes to an Evolving Curriculum for Steiner Waldorf Class Teachers

Towards Creative Teaching: Notes to an Evolving Curriculum for Steiner Waldorf Class Teachers

Edited by Martyn Rawson and Kevin Avison; Translated by Johanna Collis
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A truly comprehensive resource book for Steiner-Waldorf c... Read more

Trailing Clouds of Glory: Essays on Human Sexuality and the Education of Youth

Trailing Clouds of Glory: Essays on Human Sexuality and the Education of Youth

Edited by Douglas Gerwin
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Brings together insights from experienced Waldorf teachers into how to approach the important but challenging subjects... Read more

Trust and Wonder: A Waldorf Approach to Caring for Infants and Toddlers

Trust and Wonder: A Waldorf Approach to Caring for Infants and Toddlers

Eldbjorg Gjessing Paulsen
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A kindergarten teacher shares her extensive experience of integrating children under three into a Waldorf kindergarten.... Read more

Truth, Beauty and Goodness: The Future of Education, Healing Arts and Health Care

Truth, Beauty and Goodness: The Future of Education, Healing Arts and Health Care

Edited by Michaela Glöckler
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Dr Michaela Glöckler discusses the three pillars of truth (science), beauty (art) and goodness (religi... Read more

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