Religion & Spirituality

Why Is Easter a Movable Feast?: The Spiritual and Astronomical Significance of the Changing Date of Easter

Why Is Easter a Movable Feast?: The Spiritual and Astronomical Significance of the Changing Date of Easter

Walther Bühler; Foreword by Peter van Breda
Available to buy

This fascinating book explores the significance of keeping Easter ... Read more

Wilt Thou Be Made Whole?: Healing in the Gospels

Wilt Thou Be Made Whole?: Healing in the Gospels

Georg Kühlewind; Translated by Michael Lipson
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Meditations to develop an understanding of Jesus' healing in the Bible, and how we might heal ourselves.... Read more

The Four Gospels: their Essence and Spiritual Background

The Four Gospels: their Essence and Spiritual Background

Christoph Rau; Translated by Maren and Alan Stott
Not yet published - due 22 Aug 2024

Reveals the rich meaning at the heart of the four New Testament Gospels through an analysis of their stylistic feat... Read more

Trust in the Future: Facing Uncertain Times With Confidence

Trust in the Future: Facing Uncertain Times With Confidence

Bastiaan Baan; Translated by Philip Mees
Not yet published - due 24 Oct 2024

Esteemed thinker Bastiaan Baan traces humanity's attempts to predict the future and draws on the work of Rudolf Steiner t... Read more

The Apocalypse of Saint John

The Apocalypse of Saint John

Emil Bock; Translated by Alfred Heidenreich
Available (printed to order)

A profound interpretation of John's rich pictorial language, addressing the issue of spiritual development.... Read more

The Beginnings of Christianity: Essene Mystery, Gnostic Revelation and the Christian Vision

The Beginnings of Christianity: Essene Mystery, Gnostic Revelation and the Christian Vision

Andrew Welburn
Available (printed to order)

Rediscovers the spiritual world and meaning of the early years of the Christian era.... Read more

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