Search results for: ‘stories’

Steiner-Waldorf Education

Ancient Rome

Ancient Rome

Charles Kovacs
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An overview of Roman history as recommended for Steiner-Waldorf Class 6 (ages eleven to twelve).... Read more

Andando Caminos: Teaching Spanish in Waldorf Schools

Andando Caminos: Teaching Spanish in Waldorf Schools

Elena Forrer
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A treasure trove of resources from Hispanic culture for Steiner-Waldorf teachers of Spanish. Suitable for Classes 1--8.... Read more

Biographies for the Eighth Grade

Biographies for the Eighth Grade

Susan Cook
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A helpful resource for Steiner-Waldorf teachers approaching history for Class 8. This collection includes the stories of twenty remarkable men and women from around the world, in... Read more

A Brief History of Chemistry

A Brief History of Chemistry

Michael Ridenour
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A concise book that traces the evolution of modern chemistry through the rich stories of those who devoted their lives to its advancement.... Read more

Dancing Stories: A Collection of Stories for Circle Time with Young Children

Dancing Stories: A Collection of Stories for Circle Time with Young Children

Wendalyn von Meyenfeldt
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A collection of stories for young children which journey through the seasons of the year in movement and gestures.... Read more

Drama at the Heart: Teaching Drama in Steiner-Waldorf Schools

Drama at the Heart: Teaching Drama in Steiner-Waldorf Schools

Nell Smyth
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This book will help teachers to work successfully with drama in their classroom in a rewarding, holistic way.... Read more

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