Truth, Beauty and Goodness

The Future of Education, Healing Arts and Health Care

Edited by Michaela Glöckler

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  • Draws on Dr Glöckler's lectures at the 2018 Kolisko conference
  • Discuesses the power and healing impact of truth, beauty and goodness across social areas
  • Asks in particular how an understanding of truth, beauty and goodness can be significant in the Waldorf school curriculum

Dr Michaela Glöckler discusses the three pillars of truth (science), beauty (art) and goodness (religion) and explores their impact on social life and Waldorf education in particular.

228 x 152 mm
Waldorf Publications
Steiner-Waldorf Education; Philosophy of Human Life
80 pages
Publication date:
23 Jan 2020


Ever since the Greek philosophers characterized the three foundational ideals for attaining wisdom -- Truth (science), Beauty (art) and Goodness (religion) -- these ideals have been significant influences on all levels of education. They are also the pillars of healthy development of body, soul and spirit.

This insightful book, drawing on lectures given by Dr Michaela Glöckler at the 2018 Kolisko conference, explores these themes and asks what the future looks like in the areas of education, the healing arts, and health care in light of them. How do goodness, beauty and truth acts as preventative medicine in society? And how can they be understood in the context of the Waldorf curriculum?


Dr Michaela Glöckler is a former head of the Medical Section at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland and an anthroposophical pediatrician. She is the author of many books on child health and development.

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