And Who Shall Teach the Teachers?
The Christ Impulse in Waldorf Education
Quick Look
- An insightful series of essays exploring the role of the Christ Impulse in Steiner-Waldorf education
- Chapters cover the work of the Christ Impulse in the work of the Waldorf teacher, and how teachers can transform themselves and come to experience the Christ impulse
- Contributors include experienced Steiner-Waldorf teachers and leaders Douglas Gerwin, Roberto Trostli, Douglas Sloan, Betty Staley and Dorit Winter
A rich collection of essays from experienced teachers and leaders in the Steiner-Waldorf movement exploring the Christ Impulse and its relationship to Waldorf education.
In Rudolf Steiner's teachings he speaks about the 'Christ impulse', a universal force that exists independently of Christian churches, working for all humanity.
This rich collection of essays explores the question, what does Rudolf Steiner mean by the Christ Impulse and how can one speak about it in Waldorf teacher education programs and schools without it being misconstrued?
The essays are written by experienced Waldorf teachers and leaders in the Steiner-Waldorf movement including Roberto Trostli, Douglas Sloan, Betty Staley and Dorit Winter. Chapters include: How Do Teachers Transform Themselves and Come to Experience the Christ Impulse, The Chariot of Michael, and Anthroposophy Is Not a Religion.
Elan Leibner taught at Waldorf schools for over twenty years and is now chair of the Pedagogical Section Council of North America.