The Children of Hat Cottage
Quick Look
Three children and their mother live in a cottage shaped like a hat, on a little island. A charming story about help from unexpected places. A collectable new edition of the classic Elsa Beskow picture book with a cloth spine.
Three children and their mother live on a little island in a little cottage shaped like a hat.
When their mother goes out searching for yarn, the children of hat cottage promise to be good. They try to be helpful by sweeping the chimney and washing their clothes. But their good intentions soon turn to mayhem. What will the children do?
This is a delightful story for young children about getting help from unexpected places from the world-renowned Swedish author--illustrator Elsa Beskow.
This wonderful new edition of The Children of Hat Cottage faithfully reproduces Beskow's classic illustrations in a collectable picture book featuring a unique hand-crafted design, premium-quality paper, gold foil signature and a luxurious cloth spine. Create an Elsa Beskow library by collecting all of the gorgeous new editions.
'The charming fable was published in Sweden in 1930, and its vintage feel is positively refreshing.'
-- Kirkus Reviews
'This charming little fairytale with a true vintage feel ... A lovely little book, with simple illustrations, a combination of drawing and watercolors. Perhaps a book you’ll never grow out of.
'The story is enchanting and Beskow's illustrations are gorgeous.'
-- smilinglikesunshine blog
'This is a sweet little story with simple, but lovely illustrations. The themes of independence, triumphing over adversity, and keep one’s cool in the face of disaster are great for shared storytime. The fairytale aspects of the setting will delight children who want to believe in gnomes and little spirits, and the poise with which the mother picks up the remains of her burnt-out life and makes the best of it is something I shall aspire to when things are higgledey-piggeldy in my life.'
'The Children of Hat Cottage … uses simple, yet quirky illustrations and words to best effect, this story is one most children will identify with because it is all about three children's good intentions turning unintentionally into mayhem.'
--Early Years Educator
'Elsa Beskow's illustrations are as wonderful as always. There is good reason for Swedes loving her books so much… I'm really pleased that someone -- in this case Floris Books -- decided to publish Elsa Beskow's books for a new and wider audience.'
-- Bookwitch
Elsa Beskow is a Floris Books featured author. Read all about this author's life and work on our dedicated author page.
Elsa Beskow (1874-1953) is the most popular children's author--illustrator in Sweden. Often described as Sweden's Beatrix Potter, Elsa Beskow's picture books have been known and loved for over a century. Her charming stories of children and magical folk, accompanied by her signature illustrations, are known and cherished the world over.
Find out more about Elsa Beskow and her world on our Elsa Beskow Biography and Book Information page. Includes a complete book list.
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