Helping Children Form Healthy Attachments

Building the Foundation for Strong Lifelong Relationships

Loïs Eijgenraam; Translated by Barbara Mees

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  • Explores how healthy attachments and healthy relationships develop in young children
  • Practical advice for parents, carers and teachers, with tips and real-life examples
  • Helps children to form strong, positive relationships later in life

With practical tips and real-life examples from an experienced educator, this insightful book explores how the process of healthy attachment develops in young children (until six years old) and how carers and educators can help in this process.

198 x 130 mm
Floris Books
Parenting & Child Health
120 pages
Publication date:
20 Apr 2017


Safety, feeling at home, trust, self-confidence, creativity, and comfort in exploring the world, are things all children should have.

From an early age, children form attachments that become the foundation of their future relationships. Strong bonds with their world (parents, educators, plants and animals) can only begin with a healthy attachment to themselves.

With practical tips and real-life examples from an experienced educator, this insightful book explores how the process of healthy attachment develops in young children (until six years old), what conditions are needed for becoming well bonded and how carers and educators can help in this important process.


'The structure of the book enables the author to supply plenty of valuable advice to parents [and] the essence is easy to grasp. This could make it a life changer for families.'
-- Jill Taplin, NESWEC course coordinator

'I would highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to deepen their knowledge of child development and become more confident with children, building harmony and enjoying the unconditional love all children need.'
-- Sabrina Daniele, Steiner-Waldorf teacher

'I found this approach to forming attachments practical, easy to read and understand, and very approachable... The translation from the Dutch is excellent, and I would recommend this book for teacher and parents libraries.'
-- Kindling


Loïs Eijgenraam was born in 1965 in the Netherlands. She has been a kindergarten teacher for over 30 years and also works as an educational consultant and lecturer.

You can also visit the author's own website at

Barbara Mees is a professional translator living in the Netherlands.

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