The Spiritual Background to Christian Festivals

Charles Kovacs

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Looks at how Christian festivals fit into the structure and rhythms of the earth and the cosmos. Originally given as lectures to Steiner School parents.

216 x 138 mm
Floris Books
Religion & Spirituality
80 pages
Publication date:
28 Jun 2007


The rhythms of the earth can be seen in, for example, the daily cycle of day and night, or in the changing seasons. Rudolf Steiner spoke about how Christian festivals such as Easter, Whitsun and Christmas fitted not just into these patterns, but also into larger cosmic rhythms and, on a smaller scale, human rhythms.

In this concise, readable book Charles Kovacs explores the structure of our calendar year and looks in detail at the background to each Christian festival, including lesser-known ones such as St John's Tide and Michaelmas.

This book is based on lectures Charles Kovacs originally gave at the Rudolf Steiner School in Edinburgh. Kovacs strove to develop in the children a love and understanding of the seasons in the cycle of the year; parents were keen to be involved too, and asked Kovacs to give a series of lectures on the subject to deepen their own understanding.


Charles Kovacs (1907--2001) was born in Austria. After the Second World War he settled in Britain, and in 1956 he took over a class at the Rudolf Steiner School in Edinburgh, where he remained a class teacher until his retirement in 1976. Kovac is the author of a highly-respected series of books for Steiner-Waldorf teachers based on his extensive lesson notes, as well as books on religion and spirituality, including The Apocalypse in Rudolf Steiner's Lecture Series, The Spiritual Background to Christian Festivals and Christianity and the Ancient Mysteries.

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