A collection of articles covering the fundamental stages of development from birth to seven, the special period of infancy and the first years of life, the development of consciousness through play and imitation, and readiness for kindergarten and school.
Sample contents:
The Laws of Childhood
- Child Development from Conception to Birth
- Embryology
- Making Sense of Uprightness
- The Wonder of Acquiring Speech
- Movement, Gesture and Language
- Supporting Development of the Hand
- The Vital Role of Play in Childhood
- Kindergarten Readiness
- The Birth of the Etheric: Transformation of Growth Forces into Thinking Forces
- First Grade Readiness
Susan Howard is the WECAN Coordinator and a member of the Coordinating Group of the International Steiner/Waldorf Early Childhood Association (IASWECE). She directs the part-time early childhood training at Sunbridge Institute.