Slow Counseling

Emphasize the Healing Power of Relationships

Edited by David Tresemer

Out of print

Quick Look

  • Explores the values of slowness, including the Slow Food movement
  • Contrasts with the quick-fix therapies being offered in some modern counselling
  • Draws on the experience of a wide range of counsellors

Advocates a 'slow' approach to relationship counselling, akin to the values of the slow food movement.

216 x 140 mm
Lindisfarne Books
Holistic Health; Philosophy of Human Life
colour illustrations
146 pages
Publication date:
27 Jul 2017


Our modern world is speeding up; it has become fast in so many ways. Yet the important things take time. The Slow Food Movement was begun by an Italian who insisted that a good meal was meant to be enjoyed -- in the preparation, in the eating and in the clearing up. In the world of counselling, fast therapies and one-pill fix-its skip past the soul work. Heart and soul prefer slow. 'Fast' skips the enjoyment -- and the healing.

This book discusses the most effective and enjoyable ways of healing strained or broken relationships, drawing on advice and wisdom from a broad range of counsellors.


David Tresemer, PhD, is currently President the Association for Anthroposophic Psychology. He writes a quarterly column in Lilipoh magazine on issues of psychology that have soul and spirit. With Lila Sophia Tresemer, he founded StarHouse in Boulder, Colorado and Mountain Seas Eco-Retreat, sites of many slow and healing encounters.

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