• Posts Tagged ‘Tom Ravetz’

    Perspectives on a Century: A Compendium of 100 Years of The Christian Community Journal

    by  • 26 January 2022 • Extract, Religion, The Christian Community • 0 Comments

    Perspectives on a Century cover image

    A century ago in central Europe, a small group of Rudolf Steiner’s theology students, with the help of Steiner himself, established The Christian Community as a movement for religious renewal. From its founding they published a regular journal containing articles from the movement’s key figures, including Emil Bock, Evelyn Capel, Alfred Heidenreich and Rudolf...

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    Rudolf Steiner Enters My Life – Foreword by Tom Ravetz

    by  • 8 January 2013 • Religion, The Christian Community • 0 Comments

    This classic and influential book by Friedrich Rittelmeyer examines the key concepts of anthroposophy and tells the compelling story of Rittelmeyer’s encounter with Rudolf Steiner, his critical appraisal of Steiner’s ideas, and his gradual conviction. In the foreword, Tom Ravetz, introduces Friedrich Rittelmeyer and the book. Foreword There are encounters between human beings which have...

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