• Posts Tagged ‘Rudolf Steiner’

    New Floris Books coming in 2018

    by  • 3 January 2018 • Anthroposophy, Child Health and Parenting, Children's Books, News, Parenting, Steiner-Waldorf Education, The Christian Community, The Christian Community • 0 Comments

    New Floris Books 2018 blog header

    At the beginning of each year, we like to take a moment to look at all the wonderful books we’re proud to be publishing in the coming months. So what new Floris books do we have coming in 2018? Board Books This Spring, our new board books celebrate nature and the changing seasons. In...

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    Celebrate Autumn with a Mild Pumpkin Curry

    by  • 1 September 2017 • Recipes • 0 Comments

    This mild pumpkin curry recipe from Pumpkin Soup and Cherry Bread is perfect for warming up as we move into autumn. Mild Pumpkin Curry Serves a family of 4 – 1 red kuri or butternut squash, or other variety of small pumpkin – 1 sweet potato or carrot – 1 tsp madras curry powder –...

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    What is Eurythmy?

    by  • 14 April 2015 • Steiner-Waldorf Education • 0 Comments

    Floris Books have published several books on Eurythmy, but if you’re not as familiar with the term as we are you might be asking yourself the question: ‘what is eurythmy?’ Eurythmy is a form of art movement initiated by Rudolph Steiner. It’s almost like a dance, and the aim is to make speech and...

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    Rudolf Steiner Enters My Life – Foreword by Tom Ravetz

    by  • 8 January 2013 • Religion, The Christian Community • 0 Comments

    This classic and influential book by Friedrich Rittelmeyer examines the key concepts of anthroposophy and tells the compelling story of Rittelmeyer’s encounter with Rudolf Steiner, his critical appraisal of Steiner’s ideas, and his gradual conviction. In the foreword, Tom Ravetz, introduces Friedrich Rittelmeyer and the book. Foreword There are encounters between human beings which have...

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