• Posts Tagged ‘Karl Konig’

    The Power of Music

    by  • 28 May 2024 • Camphill, Camphill Community, Extract, Karl Konig, Neurophilosophy, Non Fiction, Spirit of Camphill • 0 Comments

    The power of music is undeniable. Studies have shown that music has the power to enhance learning, strengthen memory, develop emotional intelligence and amplify creativity. Part of the Karl König Archive series, in Music Therapy: Research and Insights Karl König explores the healing power of music by drawing on the work of Rudolph Steiner....

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    Celebrating an 80th Birthday during a pandemic; Camphill style

    by  • 13 November 2020 • Camphill, Camphill Community • 0 Comments

    In 2019, Camphill School Aberdeen started to plan for their 80th birthday celebration on 1st June 2020. They were big plans:  They would have a grand fayre, an open day welcoming many people to Camphill, showcasing and selling products made by the children and young people;  They would have an exhibition which told the story of...

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    New Floris Books coming in 2018

    by  • 3 January 2018 • Anthroposophy, Child Health and Parenting, Children's Books, News, Parenting, Steiner-Waldorf Education, The Christian Community, The Christian Community • 0 Comments

    New Floris Books 2018 blog header

    At the beginning of each year, we like to take a moment to look at all the wonderful books we’re proud to be publishing in the coming months. So what new Floris books do we have coming in 2018? Board Books This Spring, our new board books celebrate nature and the changing seasons. In...

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    Plays for the Festivals of the Year

    by  • 26 July 2017 • Uncategorized • 0 Comments

    This summer Floris Books has published the latest installment in the Karl König archive,  König’s complete dramatic works, Plays for the Festivals of the Year. This anthology contains the complete, original texts of all the plays. Many of our readers, particularly those within Camphill Communities, will already be familiar with König’s dramatic work. Today we’re...

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