• Posts Tagged ‘Floris Books’

    Self-healing: Can we think ourselves better?

    by  • 24 October 2018 • Anthroposophy, Holistic Health, Unlocking Your Self-Healing Potential

    Cover Illustration from Unlocking Your Self-Healing Potential

    We all know that a grazed knee or a broken bone can mend. Our cells are constantly regenerating to keep us healthy. Our bodies have an amazing capacity for self-healing. So, what if we could harness this power and think ourselves better? In this abridged extract from Unlocking Your Self-Healing Potential, anthroposophical therapist Josef...

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    Connecting with the Twelve Holy Nights

    by  • 24 October 2018 • Anthroposophy, Christmas, Extract, The Christian Community, Twelve Holy Nights • 0 Comments

    The period between Christmas and Epiphany – know as the Twelve Holy Nights – is an important time of year. It provides a time for reflection and reconnection with our spiritual selves. This abridged extract from The Twelve Holy Nights, shows how we can make the most of this experience. Inspired by Norwegian folklore,...

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    Sara Parrilli, illustrator of Through the Rainbow

    by  • 9 July 2018 • Lou Harvey-Zahra, Sara Parrilli, Steiner-Waldorf Education, Through the Rainbow • 0 Comments

    Art is a core part of the Steiner-Waldorf curriculum, helping children to develop emotionally, physically, socially and spiritually. Few know this better than Waldorf art teachers like Sara Parrilli. As well as being a teacher, Sara Parrilli is the illustrator of Through The Rainbow: A Waldorf Birthday Story for Children, as retold by Lou...

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    Rudolf Steiner and The Christian Community

    by  • 30 April 2018 • Extract, Non Fiction, The Christian Community • 0 Comments

    The Christian Community was undoubtedly formed as a result of Rudolf Steiner’s theological lecture series. But the relationship between this movement and the Anthroposophical Society itself is often misunderstood. Peter Selg closely examines this complex relationship in Rudolf Steiner and The Christian Community. In this abridged extract, Selg looks at the unique place The Christian Community...

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    Lost Knowledge of the Imagination

    by  • 17 April 2018 • Extract, Gary Lachman, Lost Knowledge of the Imagination, Philosophy of Human Life • 0 Comments

    The explosion of science in the early 17th Century was “a new way of knowing and understanding ourselves and the world we live in”. But did this mean we ultimately forgot about the ‘other’ way of knowing? This paradigm shift is what Gary Lachman identifies as the ‘Lost Knowledge of the Imagination’. In this...

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