• Posts Tagged ‘anthroposophy’

    Exploring “Eurythmy and Rudolf Steiner”

    by  • 14 July 2021 • Extract, Non Fiction • 0 Comments

    Eurythmy and Rudolf Steiner: Origins and Development 1912-39 by Tatiana Kisseleff is a first-hand account of the origins of the eurythmy movement. Kisseleff describes the spiritual foundations of eurythmy as they were explored in Steiner’s lectures and recounts the instruction she received from him.  This is both an eyewitness account of the origins of...

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    Step inside “Bridges Between Life and Death” by Iris Paxino

    by  • 21 May 2021 • Extract, Philosophy of Human Life • 0 Comments

    Bridges Between Life and Death by Iris Paxino is a personal and moving book from an experienced psychologist and professional counsellor. This book is full of thoughtful insights that introduce alternative ways of thinking about dying, death and the journey of the soul after life. In the following extract Paxino outlines the connections which...

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    Step inside “An Illustrated Guide to Everyday Eurythmy”

    by  • 12 November 2020 • Holistic Health • 0 Comments

    In today’s blog post we’re answering your questions on the subject of eurythmy and offering you a sneak peek inside our richly illustrated step-by-step guide – An Illustrated Guide to Everyday Eurythmy: Discover Balance and Self-Healing through Movement by Barbara Tapfer and Annette Weisskircher. What is Eurythmy? Eurythmy is an active therapy that draws on the...

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    What is Eurythmy?

    by  • 27 February 2020 • Anthroposophy, Steiner-Waldorf Education • 0 Comments

    Floris Books has published several books on eurythmy, but if you’re not as familiar with the term as we are you might be wondering: ‘What is eurythmy?’ Eurythmy is a form of art movement initiated by Austrian philosopher and social reformer Rudolf Steiner (1861 – 1925). It’s almost like a dance, and the aim...

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    Self-healing: Can we think ourselves better?

    by  • 24 October 2018 • Anthroposophy, Holistic Health, Unlocking Your Self-Healing Potential

    Cover Illustration from Unlocking Your Self-Healing Potential

    We all know that a grazed knee or a broken bone can mend. Our cells are constantly regenerating to keep us healthy. Our bodies have an amazing capacity for self-healing. So, what if we could harness this power and think ourselves better? In this abridged extract from Unlocking Your Self-Healing Potential, anthroposophical therapist Josef...

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    Connecting with the Twelve Holy Nights

    by  • 24 October 2018 • Anthroposophy, Christmas, Extract, The Christian Community, Twelve Holy Nights • 0 Comments

    The period between Christmas and Epiphany – know as the Twelve Holy Nights – is an important time of year. It provides a time for reflection and reconnection with our spiritual selves. This abridged extract from The Twelve Holy Nights, shows how we can make the most of this experience. Inspired by Norwegian folklore,...

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