• Steiner-Waldorf Education: FAQs

    by  • 30 October 2013 • 0 Comments

    Floris publish and distribute the widest selection of Steiner-Waldorf education books in the UK, including books for Waldorf teachers and books on special education. Our latest book in this range is Waldorf Kindergartens Today, a valuable overview of modern Waldorf kindergartens for both teachers and parents. See our full list of Steiner-Waldorf education books...

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    How To Make a Warm, Woollen Scarf for a Wintery Day

    by  • 14 October 2013 • 0 Comments

    With the weather getting more wintery by the minute, we at Floris found ourselves in need of something pretty yet practical to keep our necks warm. So we decided to make these gorgeous scarves from Ute Fischer’s Weaving with Children book. Here’s how: Materials and Tools • Scarf mesh, black, 1.5 metres (just over...

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    Introducing KelpiesTeen

    by  • 10 October 2013 • 0 Comments

    KelpiesTeen logo

    Floris Books is excited to announce the expansion of our Kelpies list with the introduction of KelpiesTeen, a brand new range of quality Scottish fiction for young teens! In spring 2014 we’ll publish the first four books in the new KelpiesTeen range, which is aimed at readers aged 11 to 14. The exciting novels...

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    Floris Commended in Scottish Publisher of the Year Award

    by  • 26 August 2013 • 0 Comments

    Many of the Floris Team celebrate Saltire Society Scottish Publisher of the Year 2013 Commendation

    It is a thrill to announce that Floris Books have been Commended in the Scottish Publisher of the Year Award 2013! We were shortlisted, alongside five other publishers, in early August for the Saltire Scottish Publisher of the Year Award, which is initiated and administered by the Saltire Society and supported by Creative Scotland...

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    Floris Shortlisted for Scottish Publisher of the Year

    by  • 12 August 2013 • 0 Comments

    We are delighted to announce that we have been shortlisted for the Saltire Society’s first annual Scottish Publisher of the Year Award. The Saltire Society announced the creation of the award earlier this year and we, along with 18 other publishers, submitted our application and anxiously awaited the results. Floris have been shortlisted with...

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    Floris announce shortlist for Kelpies Prize 2013

    by  • 18 July 2013 • 0 Comments

    Kelpies prize 2013 logo

    Every year as part of the Kelpies Prize, we look for the best unpublished children’s fiction with a Scottish twist. Since February, our editors have been working their way through a record number of entries to find our three finalists for this year’s prize – and they certainly weren’t disappointed. We’re delighted to announce...

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    Kelpies Celebrates 10 Year Anniversary

    by  • 10 July 2013 • 0 Comments

    Kelpies 10th Anniversary

    This year we are celebrating the 10th anniversary of our Kelpies imprint of Scottish children’s novels.  Floris took over the Kelpies list from fellow Scottish publisher Canongate in 2002 but it wasn’t until 2003 that we published our first original Kelpie, The Chaos Clock by Gill Arbuthnott. To celebrate this milestone we gathered our...

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