• Kelpies Design & Illustration Prize Winner Announced

    by  • 15 March 2014 • 0 Comments

    We are very excited to announce that Edinburgh-based illustrator Astrid Jaekel is the winner of the inaugural Kelpies Design & Illustration Prize! We made the announcement at an award ceremony last night at Edinburgh’s Gallery Seventeen, where we will also be showcasing the ten shortlisted entries this weekend. Astrid’s design for the cover of...

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    Helpful tips for sharing wordless picture books

    by  • 10 February 2014 • 0 Comments

    Rain or Shine cover

    (From the Scottish Book Trust) 1. Describe what you see Describing the pictures encourages us to use language that is different from how we normally speak. This will expose children to a rich variety of language. 2. Point things out Take your time and point things out in the pictures. Pointing and labelling helps children to...

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    What is a Tomte?

    by  • 27 January 2014 • 0 Comments

    Tomtes of Hilltop Stream cover

    The tomte (or nisse in Norway and Denmark) is a creature from Scandinavian myth. Tomtes are generally thought to be small, bearded men who wear brightly coloured caps, although there are many regional variations to the story. They are rarely seen by humans so it is very difficult to obtain an accurate description! Traditionally,...

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    The Sky at Night: enjoying naked-eye astronomy

    by  • 8 January 2014 • 0 Comments

    Have you been watching the latest series of BBC Stargazing Live with Professor Brian Cox? Inspired to discover the night skies but not sure where to start? Luckily we here at Floris Books love all things astronomy, so we’ve put together our very own guide to spotting constellations from your back garden. Here’s our...

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    Sore throats and snuffly noses: get ready for winter with A Guide to Child Health

    by  • 7 November 2013 • 0 Comments

    A Guide to Child Health cove

    A Guide to Child Health, now available in a fourth revised edition, is the go-to guide for parents looking for a more holistic approach to raising healthy children. Based on Dr Michaela Glockler’s and Dr Wolfgang Goebel’s twenty years experience treating children, it’s packed full with helpful holistic tips and up-to-date medical advice. So...

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    Galileo Galilei

    by  • 1 November 2013 • 0 Comments

    Floris publishes a range of books which explore our physical world, from sustainability and alternative science to astronomy. One of our most popular titles in this range is the Stargazers’ Almanac. This post is adapted from the 2014 edition. Galileo Galilei Adapted from the feature article in the Stargazers’ Almanac 2014 Next year will...

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