• Dragons, Selkies and Fairy Princes

    by  • 11 December 2014 • 0 Comments

    Once upon a time, in a kingdom far far away, three talented young illustrators were paired up with three award winning Scottish authors and storytellers to create Picture Kelpies’ Traditional Scottish Tales. People traveled from miles around to visit their local bookshops and marvel at the wondrous books that had been created. Some even...

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    The #FlorisDesign guide to co-productions

    by  • 26 November 2014 • 0 Comments

    At Floris Books, we bring lots of books into the English language market that were originally written in foreign languages. At large annual book fairs, we meet up with foreign language publishing houses to find out more about their books. If we find a book that we think would do well in an English-speaking...

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    The Floris Guide to Cover Finishes

    by  • 12 November 2014 • 0 Comments

    When we send a book to the printers, we can choose from lots of different cover effects to make our books look as attractive as possible. The kind of cover finishes chosen depends on the genre, look and customer of the book. Here’s a short guide to the different types we use and why...

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    #FlorisDesign Illustrator Interview: Kate Leiper

    by  • 29 October 2014 • 0 Comments

    Illustrator of… Last week during our Twitter take-over, #FlorisDesign brought you some of our favourite images from The Illustrated Treasury of Scottish Folk and Fairy Tales and this week we were lucky enough to have a face-to-face chat with the artist, the wonderful Kate Leiper. Read on to find out about her inspiration, her...

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    Mind Blind nominated for 2015 Carnegie Medal

    by  • 21 October 2014 • 0 Comments

    It’s always exciting to see the nominations for the CILIP Carnegie Medal are announced. But yesterday’s announcement was a particularly exciting one for us because one of our KelpiesTeen novels — Mind Blind by Lari Don — has been nominated! A mind-bending thriller for young teens, Mind Blind follows 14-year-old Ciaran Bain — a...

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    The Floris Books approach to children’s cover design

    by  • 15 October 2014 • 0 Comments

    The Kelpies Design & Illustration Prize 2015 has officially opened and everyone at Floris is patiently waiting for this year’s entries to start rolling in. In 2014, we launched the Prize with the aim of discovering new children’s design talent in Scotland. We thought that The Sign of the Black Dagger by award-winning author...

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