• Book covers: from concept to creation

    by  • 11 March 2015 • 0 Comments

    Once upon a time, a writer wrote a novel and a publishing house decided that it was so fantastic, they wanted to share it with the rest of the world. “This story will reach so many more children if it is has a wonderful cover!” the writer said. “We agree,” said the publisher, “we’ll...

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    Happy World Book Day!

    by  • 5 March 2015 • 0 Comments

    The days are getting longer, the nights are getting shorter, and today is a whole day for celebrating books! Lots of our authors have been out and about this week, shouting from the rooftops about how great books are and getting school kids using their imaginations to create brilliant stories. Read on to find...

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    #FlorisDesign Illustrator Interview: Luke Newell

    by  • 11 February 2015 • 0 Comments

      Illustrator of… The Giant Robot Chickens are back and they want revenge! Their illustrator, Luke Newell, isn’t quite as vengeful, though his cover illustrations sure do pack a punch! #FlorisDesign interviewed Luke to find out how he makes those chickens on his eggs-cellent covers for Alex McCall’s Attack of the Giant Robot Chickens and...

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    The Floris Books Picture Book Process

    by  • 28 January 2015 • 0 Comments

    Once upon a time, a writer wrote a story and a publishing house decided that it was so fantastic, they wanted to share it with the rest of the world.  “This story will delight children so much more if it is illustrated!” the writer said.  “We agree,” said the publisher, “we’ll get our best...

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