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    Plays for the Festivals of the Year

    by  • 26 July 2017 • Uncategorized • 0 Comments

    This summer Floris Books has published the latest installment in the Karl König archive,  König’s complete dramatic works, Plays for the Festivals of the Year. This anthology contains the complete, original texts of all the plays. Many of our readers, particularly those within Camphill Communities, will already be familiar with König’s dramatic work. Today we’re...

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    Midsummer Reading – Celebrating the Swedish Way!

    by  • 20 June 2017 • Elsa Beskow, Uncategorized • 0 Comments

    Midsummer is just round the corner and at Floris Books we’ll be celebrating the festival with some of our favourite Swedish authors and illustrators. Feast your eyes below on some seasonal artwork from Elsa Beskow and Eva Eriksson in these quintessentially Swedish picture books. #1 Elsa Beskow’s The Flowers’ Festival The Flowers’ Festival really...

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    Top tips for stargazing in March!

    by  • 20 March 2015 • Uncategorized • 0 Comments

    Did you tune in to watch Stargazing Live with Professor Brian Cox on BBC last night? We certainly did and now we’ve been inspired to delve back into our essential Stargazers Almanac 2015 to find more tips for stargazing and what to watch out for in the night sky this month. Bob Mizon’s beautifully...

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