• Extract

    Otto and the Secret Light of Christmas

    by  • 16 November 2023 • Children's Books, Christmas, Extract • 0 Comments

    Adventurous elf Otto journeys to Lapland to find the light of Christmas in this beautifully illustrated storybook, which joyfully celebrates Finnish folklore and culture. Pirkko-Liisa and Nora Surojegin bring magical creatures, traditional villages and stunning landscape to life through expressive and intricate illustrations. Otto and the Secret Light of Christmas shares a positive message...

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    Encounters: Moments of Destiny in the Bible

    by  • 31 August 2023 • Extract, Religion • 0 Comments

    Events in the Bible rarely follow an orderly course. For many of the figures whose stories it tells, their fortunes often turn, for good or bad, on important encounters with other people and with divine beings. In these moments of destiny, individuals discover something new and remarkable that changes the course of their lives....

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    Top Tips for Ending Bedtime Despair!

    by  • 18 January 2023 • Extract, Parenting • 0 Comments

    Sleep. For new parents especially, it can often be the thing of dreams, and when you find a solution the world feels that little bit brighter again. But what can you do when your child’s usual bedtime routine isn’t working anymore? In Raising Sound Sleepers: Helping Children Use Their Senses to Rest and Self-Soothe...

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    Perspectives on a Century: A Compendium of 100 Years of The Christian Community Journal

    by  • 26 January 2022 • Extract, Religion, The Christian Community • 0 Comments

    Perspectives on a Century cover image

    A century ago in central Europe, a small group of Rudolf Steiner’s theology students, with the help of Steiner himself, established The Christian Community as a movement for religious renewal. From its founding they published a regular journal containing articles from the movement’s key figures, including Emil Bock, Evelyn Capel, Alfred Heidenreich and Rudolf...

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    Dreaming Ahead of Time: Experiences with Precognitive Dreams, Synchronicity and Coincidence

    by  • 18 January 2022 • Extract, Philosophy of Human Life • 0 Comments

    Can we see the future in our dreams? Does time flow in one direction? What is a ‘meaningful coincidence’?  Renowned esoteric writer Gary Lachman has been recording his own precognitive dreams for forty years. In this unique and intriguing book, Lachman recounts the discovery that he dreams ‘ahead of time’, and argues convincingly that this extraordinary...

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