• About Floris Books

    The importance of fairy tales

    by  • 24 February 2021 • Children's Books • 0 Comments

    Throughout literary history, one type of story has enjoyed continued popularity – the fairy tale. But why, over 200 years since they were alive, do the stories of the Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Andersen remain a staple of our cultural heritage? The original fairy tales differ slightly from the ones we know today. Over the years these...

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    Steiner-Waldorf lockdown learning with Floris Books

    by  • 3 February 2021 • Steiner Waldorf Education, Steiner-Waldorf Education • 0 Comments

    As many children gather around kitchen tables again at home rather than joining together in classrooms, we know that families are facing a challenging time. To help, we have gathered together a selection of our Steiner-Waldorf books to assist your at-home learning. From craft activities to encourage their creativity, to stories to spark their imagination...

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    Celebrating an 80th Birthday during a pandemic; Camphill style

    by  • 13 November 2020 • Camphill, Camphill Community • 0 Comments

    In 2019, Camphill School Aberdeen started to plan for their 80th birthday celebration on 1st June 2020. They were big plans:  They would have a grand fayre, an open day welcoming many people to Camphill, showcasing and selling products made by the children and young people;  They would have an exhibition which told the story of...

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    Step inside “An Illustrated Guide to Everyday Eurythmy”

    by  • 12 November 2020 • Holistic Health • 0 Comments

    In today’s blog post we’re answering your questions on the subject of eurythmy and offering you a sneak peek inside our richly illustrated step-by-step guide – An Illustrated Guide to Everyday Eurythmy: Discover Balance and Self-Healing through Movement by Barbara Tapfer and Annette Weisskircher. What is Eurythmy? Eurythmy is an active therapy that draws on the...

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    Exploring ‘Why Children Need Boundaries’ by Loïs Eijgenraam

    by  • 14 October 2020 • Child Health and Parenting, Extract • 0 Comments

    Why Children Need Boundaries: How Clear Rules and Healthy Habits will Help your Children Thrive by Loïs Eijgenraam offers practical advice on appropriate boundaries and healthy habits for children of all ages – from babies to young adults. In this extract from the chapter, “Twelve Golden Rules” Loïs shares advice for parents on the...

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    Inside ‘Biodynamic Beekeeping’ by Matthias Thun

    by  • 18 September 2020 • Biodynamics, Extract • 0 Comments

    Modern beekeeping, influenced by new technologies and breeding methods, has increased honey production but left bee colonies weak and vulnerable to disease. With the alarming decline of the bee population raising concerns about an impending ecological crisis, many beekeepers are seeking a more sustainable way of caring for bees.  Biodynamic Beekeeping: A Sustainable Way...

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    Astrid & Marit

    by  • 8 September 2020 • Authors, Children's Books, Picture Books • 0 Comments

    Astrid Lindgren (1907–2002) was a multi-award-winning Swedish author and creator of many bestselling books, including Pippi Longstocking. Her books have been translated into over a hundred languages and are still adored all over the world. Marit Törnqvist was born in Uppsala, Sweden, in 1964. She has won a Golden Plaque, one of the most prestigious children’s...

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