• About Floris Books

    Step inside “Biodynamic Preparations Around the World”

    by  • 25 June 2021 • Biodynamics, Extract • 0 Comments

    Biodynamic agriculture first originated in central Europe but is now practised in farms, vineyards and gardens all over the world. At the heart of the biodynamic approach are the eight preparations – Horn manure, Horn silica, Yarrow, Chamomile, Nettle, Oak bark, Dandelion and Valerian – which are often produced by local biodynamic practitioners using...

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    Step inside “Bridges Between Life and Death” by Iris Paxino

    by  • 21 May 2021 • Extract, Philosophy of Human Life • 0 Comments

    Bridges Between Life and Death by Iris Paxino is a personal and moving book from an experienced psychologist and professional counsellor. This book is full of thoughtful insights that introduce alternative ways of thinking about dying, death and the journey of the soul after life. In the following extract Paxino outlines the connections which...

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    The Computer that Measured the Universe

    by  • 7 May 2021 • Astronomy, Stargazing • 0 Comments

    Discover the work of Henrietta Swan Leavitt in the feature article from Stargazers’ Almanac 2021 The year 2021 marks the centenary of the death of one of the lesser-known but very significant heroes of early twentieth-century astronomy, Henrietta Swan Leavitt (1868–1921). As we gaze into the night sky, we can say with a degree...

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    Modelling with beeswax

    by  • 27 April 2021 • Crafts & Activities • 0 Comments

    Encourage children to engage with the seasons with educational indoor and outdoor activities. This easy-to-implement modelling with beeswax project from Autumn and Winter Nature Activities for Waldorf Kindergartens is a great place to start. Beeswax is a precious material. It’s good for children to understand how the bees have laboured long and hard all...

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    Step inside Biodynamic Wine Growing: Understanding the Vine and Its Rhythms

    by  • 14 April 2021 • Biodynamics • 0 Comments

    Biodynamic Wine Growing: Understanding the Vine and Its Rhythms edited by Jean-Michel Florin, co-leader of the Biodynamic Section at the Goetheanum in Switzerland, offers both practical advice for wine growers and an intriguing exploration of Goethean theory in relation to vines. This beautifully illustrated and informative book includes practical articles on all aspects of...

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    The importance of fairy tales

    by  • 24 February 2021 • Children's Books • 0 Comments

    Throughout literary history, one type of story has enjoyed continued popularity – the fairy tale. But why, over 200 years since they were alive, do the stories of the Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Andersen remain a staple of our cultural heritage? The original fairy tales differ slightly from the ones we know today. Over the years these...

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    Steiner-Waldorf lockdown learning with Floris Books

    by  • 3 February 2021 • Steiner Waldorf Education, Steiner-Waldorf Education • 0 Comments

    As many children gather around kitchen tables again at home rather than joining together in classrooms, we know that families are facing a challenging time. To help, we have gathered together a selection of our Steiner-Waldorf books to assist your at-home learning. From craft activities to encourage their creativity, to stories to spark their imagination...

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    Celebrating an 80th Birthday during a pandemic; Camphill style

    by  • 13 November 2020 • Camphill, Camphill Community • 0 Comments

    In 2019, Camphill School Aberdeen started to plan for their 80th birthday celebration on 1st June 2020. They were big plans:  They would have a grand fayre, an open day welcoming many people to Camphill, showcasing and selling products made by the children and young people;  They would have an exhibition which told the story of...

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    Step inside “An Illustrated Guide to Everyday Eurythmy”

    by  • 12 November 2020 • Holistic Health • 0 Comments

    In today’s blog post we’re answering your questions on the subject of eurythmy and offering you a sneak peek inside our richly illustrated step-by-step guide – An Illustrated Guide to Everyday Eurythmy: Discover Balance and Self-Healing through Movement by Barbara Tapfer and Annette Weisskircher. What is Eurythmy? Eurythmy is an active therapy that draws on the...

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