• About Floris Books

    An Illustrated Kalevala: Myths and Legends from Finland

    by  • 14 May 2020 • Children's Books, Extract, Steiner Waldorf Education • 0 Comments

    Encounter magical shamans, mighty eagles and terrifying beasts in this superb prose retelling of Finland’s national folk saga! Here, we share an extract plus some of Pirkko-Liisa Surojegin’s stunning illustrations from An Illustrated Kalevala: Myths and Legends from Finland. Lemminkäinen’s Adventures While Ilmarinen and the Maid of Pohjola were celebrating their wedding, Lemminkäinen was...

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    How Does Your Garden Grow?

    by  • 8 May 2020 • Biodynamics, Gardening • 0 Comments

    Dear Friends, We hope that you are keeping well, that the weather has been kind and you’ve been enjoying time in your gardens and allotments. Over the past few weeks some of the Floris team have been busy planting and growing. Above, we’ve shared pictures from our own efforts at home!  We’ve gathered below...

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    Resources for parents

    by  • 24 March 2020 • Books, Child Health and Parenting, Children's Books, Crafts & Activities, Parenting, Steiner Waldorf Education • 1 Comment

    Dear Friends, In this time of uncertainty, when the world seems almost unrecognisable, we would like to send out our love and best wishes to our readers both near and far.  We’re in awe of the people being creative and supportive to their communities. In these tough times we all have to stick together...

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    What is Eurythmy?

    by  • 27 February 2020 • Anthroposophy, Steiner-Waldorf Education • 0 Comments

    Floris Books has published several books on eurythmy, but if you’re not as familiar with the term as we are you might be wondering: ‘What is eurythmy?’ Eurythmy is a form of art movement initiated by Austrian philosopher and social reformer Rudolf Steiner (1861 – 1925). It’s almost like a dance, and the aim...

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    Approaching Death: A Companion’s Guide to the End of Life

    by  • 8 January 2020 • Holistic Health • 0 Comments

    In “Approaching Death” experienced therapist and grief counsellor Renée Zeylmans offers spiritual insights, practical information and contemplations and meditations to support the companions of those on their dying journey. Here, we share an extract from the book. From Caregiver to Companion Being a companion of a dying person means that I feel the distress,...

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    Elsa Beskow Calendar 2020

    by  • 3 December 2019 • Elsa Beskow • 0 Comments

    Elsa Beskow (1874-1953) is the most popular children’s illustrator in Sweden, where her picture books have been known and loved for over a century. She is often called the ‘Beatrix Potter’ of Scandinavia. Over on our Elsa Beskow author page you can find out about her life, work and legacy. Every year we publish...

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