• New Year, New You: Giles Hutchins on Presencing Life beyond Illusion

    by  • 13 January 2015 • Alternative Business and Economics • 0 Comments

    All through January, here on the Floris Blog we will be celebrating the new. New ways of thinking, new ways of interacting with the world around us, and new ways of living and working meaningfully. New year, new you!

    Today, Giles Hutchins, author of The Illusion of Separation, asks: how can we move beyond the restrictions of egotism and individualism to attend to life in a more awakened way?

    Ready to move beyond the Illusion of Separation? Join us on the Floris blog and over on Twitter @FlorisBooks #NewYearNewYou where during January we’ll be sharing an exclusive podcast series from Giles Hutchins, as well as insightful articles and blogs from our growing collection of books on alternative business.


    More about Giles Hutchins and The Illusion of Separation

    giles-blog-picGiles Hutchins applies twenty years’ business experience to the emergence of new logic inspired and in harmony with nature. He blogs regularly on his website, www.thenatureofbusiness.org, runs a Facebook community dedicated to sustainable business, and tweets @gileshutchins. You can watch a short video about Giles’ work here.

    The Illusion of Separation is available now in paperback and eBook from florisbooks.co.uk.



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