Floris Commended in Scottish Publisher of the Year Award
by Floris Books • 26 August 2013 • Awards • 0 Comments
It is a thrill to announce that Floris Books have been Commended in the Scottish Publisher of the Year Award 2013!
We were shortlisted, alongside five other publishers, in early August for the Saltire Scottish Publisher of the Year Award, which is initiated and administered by the Saltire Society and supported by Creative Scotland and Publishing Scotland. The winner was Saraband, a fellow publisher we know well, who produce lovely illustrated non-fiction books, literary fiction and interesting apps!
The award was announced earlier this year to support and celebrate the achievements of Scottish publishers. We are very proud to be part of the Scottish publishing community, which might be small but is filled with enthusiastic and innovative people who are committed to publishing great books.
Saltire judges praised us saying that “among many impressive attributes” we had “revolutionised Scottish picture books producing work of exceptional quality in the process of re-inventing themselves.”

Many of the Floris Team celebrate our Saltire Society Scottish Publisher of the Year 2013 Commendation
We are incredibly honoured to be the runner-up in this exciting new award and we would like to thank the Saltire Society, Creative Scotland and Publishing Scotland for their endorsement of our hard work.
Regular blog readers will know that Floris is enjoying a bumper year as in 2013 we have already celebrated our Kelpies 10th anniversary and the shortlisting of three of our books in a major award. Being Commended in the Saltire Scottish Publisher of the Year Award is another amazing highlight.
But none of these accomplishments could have been achieved without our incredibly talented authors and illustrators and the support of our readers – so thank you.