Books by Andrew Welburn
Out of print
- The Beginnings of Christianity: Essene Mystery, Gnostic Revelation and the Christian Vision Andrew Welburn
- The Dream Song of Olaf Asteson: An Ancient Norwegian Folksong of the Holy Nights Original Artwork by Janet Jordan; Introduction by Andrew Welburn; Jonathan Stedall
- Gnosis, the Mysteries and Christianity: An Anthology of Essene, Gnostic and Christian Writings Edited by Andrew Welburn
- Mani, the Angel and the Column of Glory: An Anthology of Manichean Texts Edited by Andrew Welburn
- The Mysteries: Rudolf Steiner's Writings on Spiritual Initiation Edited by Andrew Welburn
- Myth of the Nativity: The Virgin Birth Re-examined Andrew Welburn
- Rudolf Steiner's Philosophy: And the Crisis of Contemporary Thought Andrew Welburn
- Rudolf Steiner's Philosophy: And the Crisis of Contemporary Thought Andrew Welburn